Tuesday, 10 October 2017

KTM 1190 Adventure Engine Removal Time-Lapse

The 1190 Adventure needs some top end work due to terrible air box design :(
Here is a video of us removing the engine so we can take it to the shop.

Sunday, 10 September 2017

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Lessons Learned on the Last Trip

Some general lessons learned from the last trip and general ideas how to make the next one better. Some of these items we did well, some not so well.
  • Bring fewer shirts.
    • Less clothing in general. I think I wore 1 pair of pants and about 2 different shirts over the whole trip. Carrying around extra clothing just takes precious pannier space.
  • Keep in contact.
    • We meet amazing people on the road. I wish we'd scribbled down our advrider usernames or email addresses before parting ways. It would be cool to know how the rest of their trip went.
  • Take time to set up video shots.
    • Even though it's a hassle I wish I had more 3rd person shots of the trip (not just on-board shots).
    • Some of the most interesting video is not riding
      • It is easy to get caught up in the moment of what problem you are currently trying to solve and easy to forget that the challenges are what make the story interesting.
      • When editing I find myself scrubbing through hours of road rolling by and 95% of it gets tossed out. The really interesting film is when we stopped and I forgot the camera was rolling.
  • Bring the right tyres.
    • We did this one right! We wouldn't have made it without TKC80s
  • Bring cash
    • When credit card machines are down or you're in the middle of nowhere, it is nice to have some cash.
  • Hotel sometimes
    • It is supposed to be an adventure, but nothing beats a motel when you and your gear is soaked through.
    • The most expensive hotel is worth it too when your rib is broken and that is the only room available in the whole town.
  • Drugs
    • Bring pain meds.
  • Listen to people you meet, but also don't
    • We ran into a ton of people who said the road was too muddy to pass. We didnt listen to those guys. Instead we listened to F800GS Jesse who we met in Dawson City who assured us we'd be fine. And we were.

We Got KTMs!

Guy and I recently trades in the trusty V-Stroms for KTM 990 and 1190 Adventures respectively. Looking forward to some off road adventures this summer.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Kauai By Motorcycle

New video about our experience riding motorbikes in Kauai! Rented a Kawasaki Versys and a Suzuki DR650. What a blast!